Write for us

Thank you for showing interest in our blog. We appreciate it.

We are not accepting guest posts from websites with MOZ DA below 45. If you are an independent writer, please mention your past work in your pitch and profile details for us to evaluate.

We have two categories with guest posts:

  • Paid Posts: We charge a nominal fee to publish your article. The fee depends on the topic, length, and brand value. We ensure the article adds value to our blog, SEO, and link-building game.
  • Free Posts: We are open to free guest posting. However, we do it only if you can ensure us a linkback from a website of at least 65+ DA and good traffic. We are open to discussions 🙂

Please note: Any pitch or article that does not follow the guidelines will be rejected. This is applicable for free and paid posts. We would recommend that you read our blog carefully before selecting a topic.

Pitching Guidelines:

  • If you have sent us ideas over email, please allow 2-3 working days for the team to review and decide.
  • If you’ve already written for us, we’d love to collaborate again. However, we request you to re-pitch again after 2 months so that we are fair to every pitch we receive.

Please do not send ready articles right away for publishing. We will automatically filter such emails.

  • Send us 2-3 topics that align with our readers. Once we approve your topic, you can send us an outline for review before writing. Doing this can ensure a maximum chance of publishing in the first submission.
  • Do your SEO research before pitching. Add a relevant target keyword with a decent volume and relatively low or average competition. Pitches without keywords will be rejected.

Please send your pitches at [email protected]

Article writing guidelines:

  • We write in second person and active voice. Follow the tone in our blog and replicate it.
  • Write in shorter sentences. Format headings between H2-H5. Have bullet points to make content consumption easy for our readers.
  • We encourage only two do-follow links. No negotiations.
  • Please add links to high-authority resources that emphasize the context of the article. Use examples, use cases, and real stories to make your article more insightful.
  • Minimum word length accepted is 1800. Maximum – 3000 words.

Submission guidelines:

  • Submit only via Google Docs. Add a proper title to the article and the doc.
  • Verify your content through plagiarism-checking tools before submitting.
  • Re-read to omit typing mistakes and spelling errors.

Once you have submitted your article, please allow 3-4 business days for the team to review and offer constructive feedback.

  • If you are unwilling to proceed with the feedback offered, please let us know via email.
  • We design our images so that you can focus on writing. Please feel free to add sample images to the article for us to refer to.
  • In case you have added images that you have created yourself or are a screenshot of an app that you are using or outputs of your code, please add the images in a separate zip file in the email.

Hope this helps in making the collaboration smoother. We look forward to reading exciting content from you.

Please send your pitches at [email protected]