Artificial Intelligence

The Role of ChatGPT in Modern Data Science- Learn with Prompts & Responses

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OpenAI’s ChatGPT has revolutionized human-machine interaction by enabling computers to perform complex tasks, create content, and provide explanations. This NLP platform is incredibly impactful in data science, enhancing workflow by automating tasks like data cleaning, feature engineering, and model development.

It allows data scientists to focus on strategic and analytical work, enhancing creativity and problem-solving. ChatGPT also generates code snippets in languages like Python and R, offering fresh perspectives.

This article aims to help you understand how to use ChatGPT for data science, how it can be integrated into data science workflows, and the challenges it presents. By exploring this topic, you will enhance your understanding of ChatGPT’s role in data science, or if you’re looking to deepen your knowledge in AI and data science, AnalytixLabs has the best learning opportunity for you with its placement assistance programs.

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Let’s start understanding the transformative potential of using ChatGPT for data science by exploring how it can be exploited in the data science workflow.

Table of Contents

Optimizing ChatGPT in Data Science Workflow

ChatGPT can help in various stages of data science workflows, from the initial stages of exploratory data analysis and hypothesis generation to more complex aspects that involve model development, evaluation, and interpretation, including analysis reporting.

The primary role that ChatGPT can perform in data science workflow is to enhance automation and creativity, leading to the workflow becoming more efficient and improving the quality of insights it provides. Below, you will explore how ChatGPT can be leveraged in the four main steps of the data science workflow: EDA, ML model development, model refinement, and reporting.

1) Data Exploration and Understanding

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) involves exploring and understanding the data for model development and other downstream analytical tasks. At this stage, data science focuses on uncovering patterns, identifying anomalies and issues, formulating hypotheses, data cleaning strategies, and feature engineering techniques, and summarizing them through graphs and tables; ChatGPT can help in all aspects.

Also read: Understanding Exploratory Data Analysis in Python

a. Hypothesis and Research Questions

The first step in EDA can be to create a hypothesis, and the hypothesis questions need to be answered by analyzing the data. Here, ChatGPT can be a boon for data scientists by providing the relevant information that needs to be extracted.

To understand ChatGPT’s role in performing such tasks, consider a situation where you must handle customer purchase data. This data can be uploaded to ChatGPT so that various kinds of data science tasks can be performed.

You must master writing prompts to identify the hypothesis and research question and learn ChatGPT for general data science. Below is a prompt you can use to get the expected output.


 “Generate hypotheses for customer purchase behavior analysis.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

By brainstorming such a hypothesis, ChatGPT can provide data scientists with a starting point to start EDA and look at data from numerous angles.

b. Data Visualization

Data scientists typically perform data visualization to comprehend the underlying structure of the data and its hidden patterns. Combining data science and ChatGPT can be great, as ChatGPT can provide great visualization ideas to the data scientist.


 “Suggest six ways to visualize the customer purchase data.” 

(ChatGPT can then respond by providing you with data visualization prompts.)


role of chatgpt in data science

Thus, interestingly, ChatGPT can be used to provide the prompt it may require to perform the downstream tasks.

c. Summarizing Key Findings and Identifying Patterns

Once basic EDA is done, i.e., creating hypotheses or research questions and finding their answers through data visualization, the next step involves summarizing the findings that may be complex.

Here, ChatGPT can be used to ensure that the summarization is done effectively, enabling the downstream communication tasks to be performed effectively, and the findings reported to the stakeholders.

You can write a prompt instructing ChatGPT to summarize the data based on the set hypothesis.


 “Summarize the key findings from the customer purchase behavior data based on the hypothesis earlier generated hypothesis.” 

The response from ChatGPT can allow you to summarize the complete data in just a few lines.


role of chatgpt in data science

Thus, such a summary can help data scientists swiftly communicate the key findings to the stakeholders and leadership.

d. Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering Strategies

A crucial step during EDA is to identify issues in the data and how to resolve them. This typically includes identifying ways to clean and engineer data to make it fit for machine learning (ML) model development.

Here, too, ChatGPT can be handy when you ask it to suggest ways to handle specific data-cleaning problems, such as handling missing values through prompts.


 “Suggest methods for handling missing values in the Income column of the customer purchase data.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

You similarly can also use ChatGPT to craft the planning of the feature engineering strategy. For example, you can prompt ChatGPT to help you derive new features using relevant prompts.


 “Derive new features for customer purchase data.” 

Such a prompt can make ChatGPT suggest new features.


role of chatgpt in data science

In addition to the above, you ask ChatGPT to identify outliers, suggest transformations, analyze distributions, etc. Thus, leveraging ChatGPT to perform the above task can make the data exploration and understanding phase more efficient and effective.

Once the hypothesis is generated, visualization prompts are created, key insights are summarized, data cleaning techniques are developed, and feature engineering strategies are planned, you can move to the next stage of the data science workflow, machine learning model development. In this section, you will also focus on writing prompts to make ChatGPT perform critical data science tasks.

2) Machine Learning Model Development

The most critical phase of data science workflow is developing the ML model. At this stage, data scientists must learn ChatGPT to formulate the research/business questions they aim to answer through the ML model.

Additionally, they must identify the relevant data required to develop the model, select the appropriate ML algorithm, prepare data, and implement model development. Let’s explore how each of these tasks works.

a. Research Questions and Business Objectives

The first step is to define what is expected from the ML model. Here, you can use ChatGPT to generate the question that you aim to get answered with the help of the ML model using a prompt.


 “Formulate research questions for predicting customer churn?” 

Such a prompt can lead ChatGPT to develop relevant business questions.


role of chatgpt in data science

Through such questions, ChatGPT can provide you with a structure to approach the business problem and help you define and set the objective for the data science project.

b. Relevant Datasets and Data Sources

Once the business objectives are defined, the next step is identifying the relevant datasets and their sources.


 “Suggest relevant datasets for predicting customer churn.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

role of chatgpt in data science

If you are dealing with enterprise data, ChatGPT will be of limited use, and you may have to depend on other company resources to identify relevant data sources. Still, in such a scenario, you can get help from ChatGPT to find the information you need.


 “What information can help me predict customer churn in purchase data?” 

This would lead ChatGPT to provide you with information under various categories that can help you fulfill the business objectives (i.e., predict customer churn using customer purchase data).


role of chatgpt in data science

role of chatgpt in data science

role of chatgpt in data science

Based on the above response, you can check whether you have the required information in the data available to you, and if not, then you can try to seek it, helping to enhance the effectiveness of your ML model.

c. Appropriate Machine Learning Algorithms

Once the relevant data is identified, the data scientists must choose the correct ML algorithm to answer the business problem successfully. Thus, you must write a prompt that makes ChatGPT recommend the ML algorithm with the highest probability of solving your business problem.


 “Recommend machine learning algorithms for predicting customer churn.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

d. Code Generation for Data Preprocessing and Model Training

A tremendous benefit of using ChatGPT for data science is that it can generate code for you, which can be a great time saver. At this stage, you can use the data cleaning and feature engineering techniques recommended by ChatGPT in the previous steps and ask it to generate the code for it. In addition to this, you can also request it to develop the model for you.

In this example, you will write a prompt to create a Python code that performs missing value imputation on the Income column, performs data normalization, and then trains a logistic regression model.


 “Generate Python code for missing value imputation using median value imputation of the income column, perform data normalization, and train a logistic regression model to predict customer churn using the customer purchase data.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

While the code snippet provided by ChatGPT can be a helpful starting point, data scientists need to review and adapt the code to their specific needs and datasets. One significant limitation is that ChatGPT’s generated code might not always adhere to the best practices or be optimized for performance.

Additionally, the code might contain errors or overlook crucial steps, such as data validation or handling class imbalances. Therefore, multiple iterations and several changes to the code are required.

Data scientists must also use their knowledge to make the code more robust. Thus, thoroughly revising, testing, validating, customizing, and updating the code is crucial.

3) Experimentation and Iteration

The experimentation and iteration phase of the data science process is critical in ensuring that the ML model is pushed to its limit. This phase involves experiment design, feature testing, hyperparameter tuning, result analysis, and process documentation. ChatGPT can be valuable for data scientists to perform all these tasks.

a. Designing and Refining Machine Learning Experiments

To improve model performance, data scientists need to design robust ML experiments. ChatGPT here can suggest methodologies and approaches. You, for instance, can write a prompt asking ChatGPT to provide a few experimental designs for your problem.


 “Suggest an experimental design for testing customer churn classification.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

b. Different Feature Combinations and Hyperparameter Tuning Strategies

Feature engineering and hyperparameter tuning are other critical aspects of data science that are responsible for optimizing machine learning models. ChatGPT can help in this aspect by generating ideas for creating new features and suggesting strategies for tuning hyperparameters to improve model performance.


 “Suggest feature combinations for a customer churn prediction model.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

Similarly, you can write a prompt for a particular ML model for hyperparameter tuning.


 “Suggest hyperparameter tuning strategies for a random forest model.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

These strategies can guide data scientists in exploring various feature combinations and tuning hyperparameters effectively, leading to improved model performance.

c. Writing Experiment Reports and Documenting the Process

Documenting the experiments done during model development is critical for tracking progress and communicating findings. ChatGPT can assist in writing clear and comprehensive experiment reports. You can write a prompt that allows you to document your experiments on different feature combinations.


 “Write a report summarizing the experiment on feature combinations for customer churn prediction.”  

Such a prompt will allow ChatGPT to provide a structure for documenting the experimentation. This will enable you to work systematically, making it easier for your colleagues and shareholders to review your work.


role of chatgpt in data science

d. Analyzing Results for Insights and Identifying Areas for Improvement

To enhance model performance, data scientists must analyze the experiments’ results and identify ways to improve model performance. ChatGPT can be used here by prompting it to analyze results from a particular ML model and requesting it to suggest improvements.


 “Analyze the results of the decision tree model for customer churn prediction and suggest areas for improvement.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

4) Communication and Reporting

Once the experimentation is done, it is time to communicate the results from the finalized model. While this is the last stage in the data science process, it is highly critical. Effective communication and reporting ensure that insights and findings are conveyed clearly and accurately to stakeholders, allowing them to make informed decisions.

By using ChatGPT for data science tasks like this, you can significantly help yourself as ChatGPT can assist in writing technical reports, generating presentations, and communicating complex data science concepts to non-technical audiences.

a. Writing Technical Reports and Data Science Documentation

Technical reports and documentation are essential for sharing detailed findings and methodologies with other data scientists and stakeholders. ChatGPT can aid you in this task by drafting comprehensive and coherent technical reports, summarizing complex analyses, and presenting them organized.

Below, you will write a prompt after completing the project on customer churn prediction, requesting ChatGPT to report on your work throughout the project.


 “Write a technical report on the customer churn prediction project.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

b. Generating Presentations with Clear Explanations and Visuals

Presentation can make reporting much more powerful, especially when supplemented with visuals. Here, ChatGPT assists you in providing structure and content for the presentation slides that you can use to convert the key findings captured from the ML model.


 “Generate a presentation for the customer churn prediction project.” 


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Therefore, by providing a framework for the presentation, ChatGPT can help you create informative presentations that effectively communicate the key findings.

c. Communicating Complex Data Science Concepts to Non-Technical Audiences

Often, the stakeholders involved in the data science project are from non-technical backgrounds. Thus, explaining complex concepts to non-technical audiences is a complex task for data scientists.

ChatGPT can simplify this task by generating explanations that are easy to understand. For example, below, you will write a prompt to explain how the model you have selected (decision trees) can help predict customer churn.


 “Explain using a decision tree ML model to predict customer churn to a non-technical audience.” 


role of chatgpt in data science

Such simplified explanations provided by ChatGPT can help bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders, ensuring that everyone clearly understands the concepts employed in the data science project.

While ChatGPT can enhance communication and reporting, human review and editing are essential for accuracy, clarity, and appropriateness. As a data scientist, you must carefully review ChatGPT’s responses to rectify errors, clarify points, and tailor messages to your audience.

In technical reports, you need to verify details and methodologies. When it comes to presentations, ensuring that the framework and explanation are relevant is critical. Thus, human review ensures that the output provided by ChatGPT is correct and meets the audience’s requirements and needs.

If you are impressed with how ChatGPT helps in every aspect of the data science process, then you must also expand your knowledge about its usage by exploring how it can be leveraged to create different ML models.

ChatGPT-Supported Machine Learning Models

ChatGPT’s capabilities allow it to get involved in various aspects of machine learning, such as natural text preprocessing and analysis, generative modeling, and explainable AI. Below, you will explore how ChatGPT can support all these machine-learning tasks.

chatgpt in data science

1) Text Analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

ChatGPT, with its advanced language capabilities, can effectively be used for various text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) tasks. These include preprocessing text data, performing sentiment analysis, and conducting topic modeling. These applications can significantly enhance text-based data analysis’s effectiveness, efficiency, and depth in data science projects.

  • Preprocessing Text Data

Text data often requires substantial preprocessing before being used in machine learning models. ChatGPT can assist in several key preprocessing steps, such as tokenization, stopword removal, and text normalization.

For example, a relevant prompt can make ChatGPT write code for standard text preprocessing tasks, streamlining the preparation of text data for further analysis.


 “Generate code for preprocessing a text dataset for analysis.” 


chatgpt in data science

  • Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis is a crucial task in NLP that involves determining the emotional tone of text data. ChatGPT can assist in performing sentiment analysis by categorizing text into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments. The prompts below illustrate how ChatGPT can facilitate sentiment analysis by providing high-level insights and practical code implementations.

1. High-Level Analysis


 “Analyze the sentiment of the following review: ‘The product quality is great, and the customer service is outstanding.'”  


chatgpt in data science

2. Generating Code to Perform Sentiment Analysis


 “Generate code for sentiment analysis using Python,”  


chatgpt in data science

  • Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is an unsupervised learning technique for identifying themes or topics within a collection of documents. The following is an example of generating code for performing topic modeling.


 “Suggest a method for topic modeling on a collection of news articles and provide the code for it.” 


chatgpt in data science

While ChatGPT can greatly help perform various NLP-related tasks, it has limitations compared to dedicated NLP libraries like spaCy and NLTK. These libraries are specifically designed for text processing and analysis, offering high precision through extensive linguistic rules and datasets.

SpaCy excels in named entity recognition (NER) and dependency parsing, essential for understanding word relationships, while NLTK provides comprehensive text processing and classification tools.

ChatGPT may sometimes produce plausible-sounding but incorrect answers, known as “hallucinations,” highlighting the need for human review and validation. While ChatGPT enhances tasks such as text preprocessing and sentiment analysis, it should be complemented by specialized NLP libraries and critical human evaluation to ensure accuracy and reliability in data science projects.

2) Generative Modeling

Generative modeling is a powerful aspect of machine learning that involves creating new data instances based on the patterns learned from existing data. You can use ChatGPT for data science tasks like generative modeling due to ChatGPT’s advanced language generation capabilities, which enable it to perform operations like generating synthetic data to augment training datasets and creating creative text formats relevant to specific problem domains.

  • Generating Synthetic Data to Augment Training Datasets

One of the significant challenges in ML is dealing with imbalanced datasets, where certain classes are underrepresented. This imbalance in the training data can lead to biased models that perform poorly on minority classes. ChatGPT can help mitigate this issue by generating synthetic data to augment the training dataset, especially for underrepresented classes.

Let’s understand things with an example. For instance, you have a dataset for fraud detection, where fraudulent transactions are much less frequent than legitimate ones. A data scientist uses ChatGPT to produce realistic examples of fraudulent transactions by understanding the patterns and features of the existing fraudulent data. This synthetic data can be added to the training set to create a more balanced dataset, improving the model’s ability to detect fraud.

Here’s an example prompt demonstrating how to use ChatGPT to generate synthetic data.


 “Generate synthetic data for fraudulent credit card transactions.”  


chatgpt in data science

  • Generating Creative Text Formats Relevant to the Problem Domain

ChatGPT can also generate creative text formats relevant to specific problem domains. This is particularly useful in natural language generation, content creation, and dialogue systems.

For example, a data scientist working on a chatbot for customer service can use ChatGPT to generate various dialogue scenarios and responses. By generating such dialogues, ChatGPT can help data scientists create a diverse set of training examples for training more effective and responsive chatbots. Below, you will write a prompt to generate an example conversation between a customer and a chatbot.


 “Generate a customer service dialogue where a customer inquires about a refund for a damaged product.”  


chatgpt in data science

Before discussing the next area of ML where ChatGPT can be helpful, you must understand that when using ChatGPT for generative modeling tasks like creating synthetic data, you must ensure the data’s quality and representativeness by comparing statistical properties, visually inspecting patterns, evaluating model performance, and consulting domain experts.

Synthetic data should closely mirror real data to be useful. Additionally, be mindful of biases in ChatGPT’s training data and actively work to mitigate them for fair model outcomes. These steps will help ensure that synthetic data is accurate, relevant, and valuable for machine learning models.

3) Explainable AI (XAI) and Interpretability

Explainable AI (XAI) and interpretability are critical components in deploying and accepting machine learning models, especially in fields where transparency and understanding of decision-making are paramount.

ChatGPT can significantly generate explanations for simpler models or specific features by translating technical concepts into human-readable language. Let’s examine how ChatGPT can be useful in this regard.

  • Generating Explanations for Simpler Models

ChatGPT excels at generating explanations for simpler models, making it a valuable tool for translating technical concepts into more understandable terms for non-technical stakeholders.

For example, below, you will write a prompt explaining how a logistic regression model is used to predict customer churn. 


 “Explain how the logistic regression model predicts customer churn.” 


chatgpt in data science

  • Explaining Specific Features

ChatGPT can also explain the impact of specific features on model predictions. The response from specific prompts can provide feature-specific explanations, helping stakeholders to understand how individual variables influence the model’s predictions and fostering greater trust in the model’s outcomes. Below, for instance, you will write a prompt for your churn model to help you understand how feature age impacts churn.


 “Explain how customer age affects the churn prediction in our model.” 


chatgpt in data science

  • Translating Technical Concepts into Human-Readable Language

ChatGPT’s ability to translate technical concepts into human-readable language makes it a powerful tool for explaining model results and operations. For example, data scientists often need to explain the concept of overfitting to non-technical team members.

ChatGPT can come in handy by providing an easy explanation through relatable analogy to convey a complex concept, making it easier for non-experts to grasp.


 “Explain overfitting in a machine learning model.” 


chatgpt in data science

Before relying on ChatGPT for XAI tasks, understand its limitations in interpreting complex machine learning models. Advanced models like deep neural networks and ensemble methods involve intricate computations that require specialized tools like feature importance analysis, SHAP values, and LIME for interpretation.

ChatGPT can describe these techniques but cannot independently execute them. It provides general explanations, yet the complexity of these models necessitates specialized tools to fully understand and interpret their workings accurately.

The discussion so far has highlighted how great the combination of data science and ChatGPT is, how it can contribute to data science workflows and the amazing assistance it can provide in performing various machine learning tasks. However, there are a few significant challenges regarding its usage, which we will explore next.

Challenges and Considerations for Experienced Users

As data scientists integrate ChatGPT into their workflows, they face challenges and considerations essential for optimal performance and ethical use. While ChatGPT provides impressive capabilities, it has limitations regarding factual accuracy, bias, and ethical implications.

Below, we will discuss an overview of the key challenges and emphasize the importance of human verification and best practices to ensure accuracy and reliability with ChatGPT. By understanding these challenges, data scientists can successfully mitigate their limitations.

  • Limitations of ChatGPT in Factual Accuracy

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a sophisticated language model trained on vast datasets, allowing it to generate human-like text for various queries. However, its training introduces inherent limitations in producing consistently factually accurate information.

Since the training data includes text from the internet, it reflects accurate and inaccurate information, leading to outputs that may contain biases, errors, and inconsistencies. Although ChatGPT can understand and generate contextually relevant text, it sometimes struggles with deeper contextual comprehension, resulting in plausible-sounding but incorrect responses, particularly for complex topics.

ChatGPT lacks proper understanding or reasoning capabilities, relying on learned patterns instead of actual comprehension. This limitation can result in incorrect conclusions or inaccurate information, especially in scenarios requiring specialized knowledge or logical deductions.

  • Need for Human Verification

Given these limitations, human verification is crucial when using ChatGPT for data science tasks to ensure its outputs are accurate, reliable, and contextually appropriate. Human oversight involves reviewing and validating outputs to identify and correct errors, including factual inaccuracies and contextual misunderstandings.

This process ensures that generated content aligns with specific task requirements, is contextually relevant, and is free from biases that may have been introduced during training. Human reviewers also play a vital role in ensuring ethical use by verifying that generated content adheres to ethical standards and guidelines, preventing dissemination of harmful or misleading information.

  • Best Practices for Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability

Data scientists should adopt several best practices to leverage ChatGPT in data science while maintaining accuracy and reliability. Implementing rigorous validation processes, such as cross-referencing with trusted sources and consulting domain experts, is essential.

Establishing iterative feedback loops allows continuous improvement of ChatGPT’s performance. Transparent documentation of workflows, including validation steps and decision rationales, ensures accountability and a clear audit trail.

Integrating domain-specific knowledge into prompts and review processes helps guide ChatGPT’s responses to align with domain requirements. Additionally, ethical review boards can oversee ChatGPT and other AI tools, providing guidance on ethical considerations and monitoring for potential biases to ensure responsible AI use.


The combination of data science and ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way data scientists work. ChatGPT can enhance productivity and provide new insights.

ChatGPT’s capabilities in natural language processing make it a collaborative tool. It aids in data exploration, model development, and reporting. It also generates hypotheses, visualizations, and data-cleaning strategies, emphasizing human oversight for accuracy.

While useful for text analysis and Explainable AI, its limitations in interpreting complex models necessitate human intervention. Ethical considerations, including bias mitigation, transparency, and data privacy, are crucial for responsible use.

As AI tools like ChatGPT evolve, they promise deeper integration with business intelligence and more sophisticated analysis in data science. Staying informed about the latest AI innovations and their impact is essential for effectively leveraging these tools.


1) Can ChatGPT write code for data science tasks?

Yes, ChatGPT can assist in writing code for tasks like data preprocessing and model training, but data scientists need to review and refine its output for accuracy.

2) How accurately does ChatGPT generate the information?

ChatGPT can provide accurate information but may produce incorrect or misleading content, so users should verify their responses against reliable sources.

3) How can I avoid bias when using ChatGPT in data science?

To avoid bias, use diverse datasets, craft neutral prompts, implement evaluation metrics, and incorporate human oversight to identify and mitigate biases in ChatGPT’s outputs.

4) Are there any security or privacy concerns when using ChatGPT with sensitive data?

Yes, ensure data is anonymized, use access controls, encrypt data, maintain audit logs, and follow data protection regulations to address security and privacy concerns.

5) Can ChatGPT be used for Explainable AI (XAI)?

ChatGPT can assist in Explainable AI by generating human-readable explanations for simpler models, but it should be complemented with specialized tools for complex models.

6) Will ChatGPT replace data scientists?

ChatGPT enhances productivity but cannot replace human data scientists’ critical thinking and decision-making abilities, thereby serving as a complementary tool.

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